Testing DCM Agent For Linux

This document covers how to run tests locally for development purposes.

Local development tests are supported by Vagrant. You will find a multi machine Vagrantfile located in src/dcm/agent/tests. Running the test suite on a particular distribution is as simple as going to that directory and running vagrant up <machine name> . You can get a list of available machine names by running vagrant status.

Vagrant up provisions the image with an agent and runs the tests suite with coverage. You will see the output in your terminal.

The following environment variables can be set to customize the test environment.

  1. TEST_AGENT_STORAGE_CREDS is optional and should point to a local file with entries listed like so

    and enables a subset of tests dealing with mount/unmount commands to run.:

    1 <aws_access_key> <aws_secret_key> us_west_oregon

  2. TEST_AGENT_VERSION is optional and lets you explicitly set the version to test.

  3. TEST_AGENT_BASE_URL is optional and lets you explicitly set where to get the agent package to test.

  4. TESTS_AGENT_LOCAL is optional and runs the test suite against the local source code.

  5. TEST_AGENT_DOCKER_INSTALL is optional and provisions the VM with the agent_docker script.

Running Tests Manually

You can alternatively run the tests manually in the VM after the VM is in a running state.

Simply vagrant ssh <machinename> and do

$ sudo -i
$ source /opt/dcm-agent/embedded/agentve/bin/activate
$ nosetests -v dcm.agent.tests

Using a Remote Debugger

Coming Soon!