DCM Agent Commands

The dcm-agent’s main purpose is to provide a remote set of commands to DCM. The dcm-agent forms a websocket connection with DCM and advertises the set of commands which DCM can invoke. There is a set of built in commands that can be found in the module dcm.agent.plugins.builtin.

Extension Plugins

Via a well defined interface to the command plugins this set can be expanded to support user defined functions. When implementing a plugin a set of utilities are defined for use by the author in the dcm.agent.plugin.api module.

Extension plugins are made by creating a python package that has one or more modules in it which are properly constructed plugins. The module is then installed into the same python environment as the agent. At that point the tool dcm-agent-add-plugins can be used to locate all of the new plugins in the newly installed package and add them to the existing DCM Agent installation.

$ dcm-agent-add-plugins <package name>

This program will search every submodule of the given package name for dcm-agent plugins. It will then modify the file /dcm/etc/plugins.conf to make these plugins available to the agent.

Plugin Modules

Each plugin must be in its own python module that is conventionally named after the command_name. For example, the add_user command is implemented in file called add_user.py.

DCM Agent Plugin API

Plugin Base Class

Plugin Reply Class

Plugin Exceptions

Plugin Utility Functions

A set of utility functions are provided to plugin authors which allow for interaction with the dcm-agent.

Parameter Validators

When defining a plugin’s accepted parameters the author must define a type function. Parameters come over the wire from DCM as strings. They are converted to specific types by calling these conversion functions. If the string is invalid these functions can throw a TypeError. Functions like str, int, bool, and float which are built into python can be used for primitive types. Plugin authors can write there own as well. Below are a set provided to authors.


Plugin authors can make use of the standard python logging module in the following way.

import logging

_g_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_g_logger.debug("A log message")

Additionally plugins are allowed to log messages back to DCM. Care should be taken when choosing what to log back to DCM because this results in network traffic and additional load on both the dcm-agent and DCM. To log a message to the DCM console the following function is used


The following functions are available to plugin authors. Plugin authors should not make any other calls into dcm.agent modules or class methods.

An example dcm-agent plugin can be found here.